Advanced Procedures

  • Nail and soft tissue surgery is performed under local anaesthesia. Permanently eliminating painful ingrown toenails and thick, unsightly nails.
  • Low intensity laser therapy for various conditions. Treating inflammation, sprains and strains in the foot and ankle.
  • Prescriptions of various oral and topical drugs. To treat fungal infections, eczema, dermatitis, verrucae (warts), bacterial infections, pain and anhydrosis/hyperhydrosis, as well as other conditions.
  • Administer substances into the feet by injection (Local Anaesthesia, cortisone, etc.). For painless surgical procedures and inflammatory conditions, etc.
  • Low dye strapping for plantar fasciitis and similar conditions. Temporary binding of the foot structures to alleviate painful conditions of the arch, dorsal foot and ankle.
Neutral Cast
Advanced Procedures
Routine Foot Management

Routine Foot Management

Biomechanics/ Orthotics

Biomechanics/ Orthotics



Advanced Procedures

Advanced Procedures